Calculating course load

Course load refers to the number of registered course credits for a session.

For undergraduate students, a 100 per cent course load in the Fall/Winter session is 15 credits in each term.

Note: This is not necessarily equivalent to registering for 30 credits in the Fall/Winter session, unless exactly half of your registered credits are in each term.

Registered credits for full-year (Y term) courses are split evenly in the fall and winter terms. For example, if you are registered in one Y term course worth six credits, then assign three credits to your fall term course load and three credits to your winter term course load.

Your tuition, compulsory fees, and book costs in the OSAP assessment are calculated based on the course load. Incorrect course load information will delay receipt of your aid.

Fall/Winter Session

Category of student Course load needed to apply for
full-time OSAP
Course load equivalent in registered credits
Undergraduates without a permanent disability At least 60% course load At least 9 credits in each term
Undergraduates with a permanent disability At least 40% At least 6 credits in each term
Graduate student Registered as a full-time student (show 100 per cent course load on OSAP application) Credits are not considered

The averaged course load across the two terms is not what matters: you must meet the relevant course load requirement separately for each term to be eligible for that term. For example, for an undergraduate student without a disability:

Fall term course load Winter term course load Averaged course load Full-time OSAP eligible
60% 60% 60% In both terms
100% 20% 60% Only in fall
40% 80% 60% Only in winter

Although the averaged course load across the two terms is the same in all three examples, the full-time OSAP aid eligibility is different for each example. Consider this carefully when making course adds and drops.

How do I calculate my course load?

Use this calculator to determine your fall/winter course load based on your number of registered credits:

For undergraduate students, a 100 per cent course load is 15 credits per term. Use this calculator to determine your course load for each term.

Note: for OSAP purposes, credits for full year (Y) courses are split evenly in the fall and winter terms. Example: Y course = six credits; three credits should be entered in the fall term field and three credits should be entered in the winter term field.

Full-time graduate students should indicate 100% course load on their OSAP application.

If your course load for a term does not make you eligible for full-time OSAP aid, then see for information about applying for part-time OSAP aid. It is possible to apply for full-time OSAP aid for one term in the fall/winter academic session, and part-time OSAP aid for the other term.

It is important to enter your correct course load on your OSAP application as your tuition, compulsory and book costs in the OSAP assessment are calculated based on the course load. Incorrect course load information will delay your funds.